4th flight of the GC II/9 from 01/11/1939 to 28/11/1942
2nd flight of the GC II/9 Auvergne from 01/09/1944 to 01/04/1945
2nd flight of the GC II/9 Auvergne from 01/04/1945 to 01/03/1946 (5 EC)
2nd flight of the GM II/9 Auvergne from 01/11/1950 to 01/10/1953
2nd flight of the GC II/21 Auvergne from 01/10/1953 to 04/05/1954
2nd flight of the EC 2/9 Auvergne from 01/11/1954 to 01/07/1965 (9 EC)
2nd flight of the EC 3/13 Auvergne from 01/03/1972 to 01/08/1993 (13 EC)
19th flight of the 37 RAO from 01/06/1925 to 01/07/1927
1st flight of the ECTT 2/13 Alpes from 01/10/1956 to 01/03/1972 (13 ECTT)
1st flight of the EC 2/13 Alpes from 01/03/1972 to 03/06/1994 (13 EC)
2nd flight of the ECTT 2/13 Alpes from 01/10/1956 to 01/03/1972 (13 ECTT)
2nd flight of the EC 2/13 Alpes from 01/03/1972 to 03/06/1994 (13 EC)
3rd flight of the GR II/14 from 01/05/1940 to 01/12/1942
4th flight of the GR II/14 from 01/05/1940 to 01/12/1942
1st flight of the EC 2/20 Ouarsenis from 01/09/1956 to 26/03/1957 (20 EC)
2nd flight of the EC 2/20 Ouarsenis from 01/09/1956 to 26/03/1957 (20 EC)
flight of the 22 RABN from 01/01/1932 to 01/10/1932
flight of the GB III/22 ECN from 01/10/1932 to 01/07/1933 (22 EB)
flight of the GCN from 01/07/1933 to 01/10/1933 (22 EB)
3rd flight of the GC II/42 from 01/10/1933 to 01/10/1936 (42 EM)
3rd flight of the GC II/4 from 01/10/1936 to 01/05/1939 (4 ECM)
3rd flight of the GCN II/13 from 01/05/1939 to 13/12/1939
EACN 3/13 from 13/12/1939 to 12/11/1942
1st flight of the EB 2/91 from 01/12/1964 to 01/02/1965 (91 EB)
2nd flight of the EB 2/91 from 01/12/1964 to 01/02/1965 (91 EB)
2nd flight of the EC 2/10 Seine from 01/12/1954 to 31/05/1985 (10 EC)