For flights French Air Force, to choose between:
Flights created before or during of the Great War (1914-1918) classified by their number,
Flights created after 1918 and generally before 1939
Flights of regional origin (GAR - GAO - GARC)
Flights of FAFL (Free French Air Force) setting-up from 1941
Flights of Fleet Air Arm origin, generaly integrated within the French Air Force in 1936
The light flights of air support
The others flights, particular names

For the list of flights of WW1
No tradition after 1920
No constituted

Flights of Great War

the Great War (1914 1918) is at the origin of the military aviation and the growth of this new force during this conflict found expression in creation and the implementation of almost 600 flights.

Each flights (example SPA 15, Br 132....) was defined by a number (in function of its creation order) placed after one or more letters indicating the type of the planes used by this flight (see the abbreviations list in the table below)

It is the memory (traditions) of those flights of the Great War which was maintained within the French Air Force by revival of their names, badges, air victories, aces, sacrifices, decorations and quotations by the news flights created since then and until today.

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, click on on this button

No tradition after 1920
No constituted

AR Avion Dorand à moteur Renault
BL Blériot
BLC Blériot Cavalerie
BR Breguet
BM Breguet Michelin
C Caudron
CM Caudron monoplace
CAP Caproni
CEP Caproni sous licence Esnault Pelterie
D Deperdussin
DM Deperdussin Monocoque
DO Dorand Anzani
F Farman
HF Henri Farman
HD Henriot Dupont
LET Letord
MF Maurice Farman
MS Morane Saulnier
MSP Morane Saulnier
N Nieuport
PS Paul Shmitt
R Caudron René
REP Robert Esnault Pelterie
SAL Salmson
SOP Sopwith
SPA Spad
SPA Bi Spad Biplace
V Voisin
VB Voisin de Bombardement
VC Voisin Canon
VP Voisin Peugeot
VR Voisin Renault
Selon Moreau Bérillon

Flights created after 1918 and generally before 1939

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, or click on on this button

Example : III/7(6), 2/13(1)

The first number characterizes the number of the group or the squadron within the wing to which belongs the flight
The group take appellation of squadron only after the 2nd world war. The number of group is always written in Roman numeral, the number of the company in Arabic numeral. (3th Group of the 7th wing for the first example, 2nd squadron of the 13th wing in the second example)

The second number characterizes the number of wing (7th wing for the 1st example, 13th wing for the 2nd example)

The last number (in parentheses) characterizes the number of the flight within the group or of the squadron.
Before 1945, Groups are composed of two flights :
The flights of the 1st group (I) were numbered 1 and 2
The flights of the 2nd group (II) were numbered 3 and 4
The flights of the 3rd group (III) were numbered 5 and 6.

For the squadrons, the flights of all squadrons are numbered 1 and 2 (and 3 if the squadron counts 3 flights)

consequently :
in the first example : III/7(6), It is the 2nd flight (numbered 6) from the 3rd group of the 7th wing.
In the 2nd example : 2/13(1), It is the 2nd flight of the 2nd squadron of the 13th wing.

Flights of Regional Aviation

Flights created generally after 1937 and before 1939 with in regional fighter and Observation units (GAR - GAO - GARC)

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, or click on on this button

ERC Escadrille Régionale de Chasse (Regional Fighter Flight)
GAO Groupe Aérien d'Observation (Observation Air Group)
GAR Groupe Aérien Régional (Regional Air Group)
GARALD Groupe Aérien Régional de L'Aviation Légère de Défense (Regional Air Group of Light Aviation of Defense)
GARC Groupe Aérien Régional de Chasse (Fighter Regional Air Group)
GIRA Groupe d'Instruction des Réserves d'Aviation (Training Group of Reserved Aviation)

FAFL Flights

(Force Aérienne Française Libre = Free French Air Force)

FAFL flights are called by the name of the Province Towns of the select province name for the squadron.

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, or click on on this button

Fleet Air Arm origin flights

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, or click on on this button

The light flights of Air Support

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ERALA Escadrille de Réserve d'Aviation Légère d'Appui (Reserved Light Flight of Air Support)

Others flights

To go the list of these flights, menu at left, or click on on this button

CAP Cercle Aérien de Paris
CER Centre d'Entraînement des Réserves
EACN Escadrille Autonome de Chasse de Nuit
EALA Escadrille d'aviation Légère d'Appui
ELA Escadrille de Liaisons Aériennes
ELO Escadrille de Liaison et d'Observation
ECMJ Escadrille de Chasse Mixte de Jour
ECN Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit
EEC Escadrille d'entraînement et de Calibration
EERE Escadrille Electronique de Recueil et d'Exploitation
ELA Escadrille de Liaisons Aériennes
ERALA Escadrille de Réserve d'Aviation Légère d'Appui
EROM Escadrille de Reconnaissance Outre Mer
ESRA Escadrille Saharienne de Reconnaissance et d'Appui