1st January 1921 Creation flights SAL 56 (14th) SPA BI 42 (15th) SAL 39 (16th) - 31th RAO (Tours Pau)

1st September 1921 Creation flights : SPA 75 N 124 Martinet (future SPA 167) wihin the 3rd RAC

1st October 1922 Creation on an experimental basis of 35th RAM (Régiment d'Aviation mixte) with addition of the 3rd Group of 3rd RAC to 35th RAO in Lyon

1st July 1923 Creation 36th GAO - Pau (Groupe Autonome d'Observation)

1st October 1923 Creation 39th RAO - Levant

1st July 1930 Summer 1930 : Winding up 33th RAM - Mayence
Distribution of its elements towards :
- 3rd RAC
- 31th RAO
- 33th RAO
- Autonomous Bouy Group

1st January 1932 Creation 21th ECN (Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit) with traditions de la VB135 within the 21th RABN - Nancy
Creation 22th ECN (Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit) within the 22th RABN - Nancy
Numbering change : 24th ECN RXI 239 within the 11th RAB (old number 21th)
Numbering change : 23th ECN C 46 within the 12th RAB (old number 4th)

1st July 1932 Wing up of the 34th RAM , Creation 1st EC, 34th EO and 54th ER Le Bourget
Winding up of the 35th RAM , Creation 5th EC, 35th EO and 55th ER Lyon Bron

1st October 1932 Winding up of the 31th RAO , creation 31th EO and 51th ER Tours
Winding up of the 32th RAM , creation 7th EC, 32th EO and 52th ER Dijon
Winding up of the 33th RAO , creation 33th EO Nancy
Winding up of the 36th GAO , creation 36th EO Pau
Winding up of the 38th RAM , creation 38th ERO and 38th EM Dijon